Camp details
Junior Art Camp
Scoil Mhuire GNS Lucan ,
Scoil Mhuire Girls National School, Lucan,
Old Lucan Road,,
Co. Dublin,
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Venue Notes
In School Art class venue for children from Scoil Mhuire GNS and public summer camps. We use Ms Mulrooney and Ms Faughnen's room for classes in Scoil Mhuire. Junior and Senior infants can be collecte …mored from the side door near Ms Mulrooney's class at the back playground. 1st class up will be walked to the front door and can be collected from there. Please let your child's school teacher know that they are attending Artzone (camps not applicable).
Camp venue open to the Public. less
Camp venue open to the Public. less
7th Jul 2025 - 11th Jul 2025
Week 2 Mon 7th July - Fri 11th July
10:00am - 1:00pm
Visual Arts Curriculum based camp for Junior Infants to 1st Class Students. Students must be 5 years of age or registered to start Junior infants in September. Juniors are introduced to the skills and concepts of Art through fun and exciting exercises, demonstrations and cool projects.